Tuesday 1 November 2016

The many faces of con man Lee Min-ho in Legend of the Blue Sea

A different Lee Min-ho for every day of the week? I could get used to that. The latest teaser for SBS’s fantasy romance drama Legend of the Blue Sea features our chameleon con man hero, played by Lee Min-ho, in both past and present in all sorts of disguises, from suave to geeky and everything in between. The story spanning centuries is about the love of the world’s last mermaid, played by Jeon Ji-hyun, and the con man who gets stuck with helping her navigate the big bad city.

The teaser opens with sweeping shots of Lee Min-ho as an official in Joseon, then cuts to Jeon Ji-hyun asking him in the present day, “What’s a wife?” Oh, please tell me there’s a contract marriage in here somewhere, because those hijinks need to happen. He must not be too excited to answer her, because he flails and mutters, “I’m screwed!”

He seduces a woman at a bar and introduces himself as a lawyer, then later we see him as a prosecutor. Someone says to him, “You’re the Harry Potter of con artists.” But it’s not like he’s an actual magician, because when he counters a gunman by flipping open his lighter with a command to put the gun down, he’s the one who ends up apologizing in the very next breath, heh.

I love the last beat, where he pauses to cool down Jeon Ji-hyun’s coffee very sweetly so that she doesn’t burn her tongue, and she just reacts like a little kid, blowing on her coffee till she’s blue in the face. She reminds me of Shin Mina’s gumiho in My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho, full of childlike wonder and adorably strange reactions to everyday things. Con man or not, he can’t be such a bad guy if he’s looking after her, no?

Legend of the Blue Sea premieres November 16 following Jealousy Incarnate on SBS.


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